Dirty Bathwater "dating after 50" with Giddy and Lux
Welcome to Dirty Bathwater, the number one dark comedy podcast about dating! We're Giddy and Lux, and we're here to share our experiences and lessons in the crazy world of dating. With three years of experience under our belts, we've learned that dating during a pandemic can be particularly insane. But even after 50, the dating world can still be just as wild and unpredictable. Whether you're looking for advice or just a good laugh, we're here to help. From navigating the challenges of kissing during a plague to figuring out who pays for the meal when one of you is unemployed, we tackle all the tough questions with humor and honesty. We'll even help you decode those confusing dating app acronyms! So join us as we explore the ups and downs of dating in a never-ending Covid world. Remember, it's all an adventure, so let's have some fun and try not to hurt anyone along the way.
Dirty Bathwater "dating after 50" with Giddy and Lux
Geting your Groove On while dealing with Predators, Sandwich Dating, and other Hot Messes
Lux once again unloads his gripes against scammers and insecure daters not willing to commit. He has his war stories and scars. That's right, it's a battlefield out there and no one sure who or what is the enemy. Online dating is up higher than ever, but that doesn't mean it's safe or sane. So if you are wanting to get into the dating game, be sure to wear your emotional protection (as well as the normal gear). Your heart and wallet are at risk. Then, there's your time, especially if your raising a child/teen or taking care of a parent, while working. Life is certainly not easy these days. Then if you can spare the time, can you spare the cash that impressing a date takes? That's why picnics at parks and spending the night smooching in your neighbor's convertible (just kidding about the latter) might be inexpensive options. Sometimes being creative can save you lots of money. Then there's Giddy, she goes on and on about other stuff, just like a woman. She'll kill me for that. Hey, you know the drill, reach out to us with your thoughts and support us with your love and pennies, if you can.
Here's Giddy's blog!
"Dirty Bathwater, is dedicated to empowering seniors and promoting a fulfilling lifestyle. Join our hosts each week as they explore the latest trends and products that are transforming senior living. Subscribe to the show today and never miss an episode."